Map Icon Address: 49 Queen St. N. Kitchener, Ontario, N2H 2G9 Phone Icon Phone: (519) 745-4705 Mail Icon Email: [email protected]

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Pastoral Conversation

Sometimes life can be difficult. St. Peter’s Church is ready to offer caring conversation, prayer, and support in times of need. Ministry team members are available for confidential, personal or family support. We are also happy to provide referrals to Christian and non-Christian professional counsellors. St. Peter’s treats all people equally regarding the pastoral services of the church. Contact us in confidence at [email protected] or by calling (519) 745-4705.



If you or a loved are unable to attend a worship or come to the church office, we can arrange for a supportive call or visit. St. Peter’s treats all people equally regarding the pastoral services of the church. Contact us in confidence at [email protected] or by calling (519) 745-4705 to arrange caring conversation or a visit.


People's hands vertically stacked


Land Acknowledgement


The St. Peter’s Community’s physical church is located in the Haldimand Tract (1784). We are learning to be Treaty People through relationships with our Haudenosaunee, Attawandaron and Anishinaabe neighbours. Our ability to be working and living here now comes as a direct benefit of policies of expulsion and assimilation of Indigenous peoples during the time of settlement, Confederation, and since. The harms of these policies are many and are still being felt in Indigenous communities today.   -Adapted from the Eastern Synod