St. Peter’s Church welcomes your financial support.
Thank you for joining with us in this work.
Make an eTransfer via email: [email protected] (for better security provide the Question and Answer in separate emails)
Make a Credit Card donation via CanadaHelps
Mail a cheque (cheques made payable to St. Peter’s Church) to:
St. Peter’s Church
49 Queen Street North
Kitchener, ON N2H 2G9
Monthly pre-authorized debit/credit card payments
Online donations receipts will be sent out in the January of each following year via email.
If registered with Planning Center please download your receipt before January 30th as we will begin printing and mailing hard copy receipts on that date to those who have not received or downloaded digital versions.
Downloading your digital receipts helps us reduce printing and postage costs.
Thank you!
The St. Peter’s Community’s physical church is located in the Haldimand Tract (1784). We are learning to be Treaty People through relationships with our Haudenosaunee, Attawandaron and Anishinaabe neighbours. Our ability to be working and living here now comes as a direct benefit of policies of expulsion and assimilation of Indigenous peoples during the time of settlement, Confederation, and since. The harms of these policies are many and are still being felt in Indigenous communities today. -Adapted from the Eastern Synod