Welcome to
There’s a place for you here.
A place to explore.
A place to think more deeply. Live in love and faith.
A place to dream.
We can see tomorrow coming. Let’s dream of justice. Let’s turn the world right side up. And work to bring that about.
A place to journey.
We can partner with you in your journey. Here you can explore spirituality on your own terms within the safe context of community.
A place to belong.
All are welcome, no exceptions. Come as you are, and we will welcome you.
St. Peters, in downtown Kitchener offers a radical welcome to all. We welcome, affirm, and include people from all walks of life in every aspect of our church community. No matter who you are, or where you are on your faith journey you are welcome here.
Proclaiming a gospel of liberation in our worship and beyond and as a community we breath justice, hospitality, and love into everything we say and do.
“Preach the gospel … if necessary, use words” said St. Francis of Assisi centuries ago. We couldn’t agree more. We want to walk the walk, not just talk the talk.
Worship connects us with God and with one another.
Whether through a community worship on Sunday, in-person or online, taking time with a worship recording, engaging in offered spiritual practice activities or prayerful contemplation, we invite you to enter into God’s presence here at St. Peter’s.
Inspired by the beautiful, soaring architecture of St. Peter’s, our worship services are characterized by vibrant faith, deeply rooted liturgy, meaningful ritual, thoughtful preaching, Holy Eucharist, and welcoming community.
Worship services are opportunities to come together to be nourished by God’s Word and fed from God’s table. God’s table is open to all – no exceptions…none. Exquisite music and art figure prominently in worship that aims to create an all-embracing experience of beauty and seeks to give clear expression of who we are and why we are doing the things we do.
Services are open, accessible, and offer space for people to explore spirituality on their own terms within the safe context of community.
People matter. We are actively engaged with issues that are significant to the community, including Truth and Reconciliation, racism, and the 2SLGBTQIA+. We value difficult questions over easy answers and never shy away from open dialogue. If we get it wrong, we want to know.
Helping those in need, within the Waterloo Region and beyond, is a core value for St. Peter’s. We work hard to bring about God’s justice. We confront the evils of social injustice in our outreach efforts – feeding people, clothing people, housing people, caring for people. We love people, we love our community. If you want to engage in this important work we’d love to hear from you.
St. Peter's embraces diversity, inclusion, and conversation, even if those conversations are difficult. We invite all those who experience prejudice and oppression because of their identity and who have been profoundly hurt, even by the church, to join us in a safe space of sanctuary and refreshment.
As a community of faith and as Christ’s church, St. Peter’s values the richness of God’s creation and offers a radical welcome to all people. St. Peter’s joins the ELCIC in feeling called and challenged to change our perspectives and become a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive church. With a renewed focus on Racism, White Supremacy, and issues of Racial Injustice; Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia; and Ableism, we commit to learning about and challenging dynamics of power and privilege that create barriers to participation and equity in this church and society.
Offering radical welcome
to all
including the 2SLGBTQIA+ community
Being Jesus Centred
believing that God's grace, God's unfathomable love, is available to all people as a gift
Being Green
sharing a deep love for all of God's creation and a profound responsibility for it
Being Anti-Racist
through continual learning, relationship-building and informed action
Working towards
Truth & Reconciliation
and making its promise and challenge more real in our community
Stay connected with St. Peter’s Church—sign up for our newsletter to receive updates on services, events, community programs, and more!
The St. Peter’s Community’s physical church is located in the Haldimand Tract (1784). We are learning to be Treaty People through relationships with our Haudenosaunee, Attawandaron and Anishinaabe neighbours. Our ability to be working and living here now comes as a direct benefit of policies of expulsion and assimilation of Indigenous peoples during the time of settlement, Confederation, and since. The harms of these policies are many and are still being felt in Indigenous communities today. -Adapted from the Eastern Synod