
Knitting and Crocheting

St. Peter's Church 49 Queen St. N, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Time to put away the gardening gloves and gardening tools and bring out the knitting needles and crochet hooks! The first get together of this newly revamped group will take place Thursday, September 7 at 10:00 am at the Church. […]

Breakfast group

Kypreo's Restaurant 305 Lancaster St W, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

The first get together of this newly revamped group will take place Tuesday, September 19 at 9:00AM at Kypreos Restaurant, 305 Lancaster St. W. Kitchener. All are welcome. The decision to meet the third Tuesday each month was made after looking […]

Construction Update

St. Peter's Church 49 Queen St. N, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Join us following worship for a construction/redevelopment update with a representative from Flourish.

Service of Thanksgiving and Leave-Taking

St. Peter's Church 49 Queen St. N, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Join us for a service of thanksgiving and leave-taking as we temporarily vacate the St. Peter’s building to construct 41 deeply affordable housing units with supports and improved space for worship, faith, justice, community, gathering, and the arts.